
Turkey’ Draft Novel Food Regulation

Turkey Novel Food Regulation has been published as a draft for the public consultation on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (the "Ministry")...

December 1, 2022December 1, 2022by In News

Labelling Fermented Products

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) published a new guidance on Good Manufacturing Practices for the Production of Ready-to-eat Unpasteurised Fermented Plant-based Products to assist producers to produce safe products on 23 Septemper 2021.

December 1, 2022December 1, 2022by In News

Turkish Regulation Concerning Food Irradiation

The draft Turkish Regulation Concerning Food Irradiation  is open for public consultation until 23 June 2019. The draft was prepared based on 1999/2/EC and 1999/3/EC. Accessible at


The Certain Foods Ingredients, Claims and Novel Food Commission

“The Certain Foods Ingredients, Claims and Novel Food Commission” is being established by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. This development may suggest that there is likely to be increased regulation of novel foods, however, no concrete statements of intention have, as yet, been made neither by the Commission nor the Ministry of Agriculture...